How to write an informal report?

                                                The writing process of an informal report

Now that the development process is complete, it is time to think about how to write the report in final form. You should give special attention to the organization; to correctness in content, grammar, punctuation, and spelling; and to the attractiveness of the reports. When writing the report, remember that it represents the researchers.
If the report contains errors in content, spelling, punctuation, grammar, or if it is carelessly presented or poorly organized, the reader will not place much value on its conclusions or recommendations.
When organizing material for the final report, arrange the data in an orderly manner: i.e. be clear, concise, and logical. The material should not be presented as of row data. If you have followed the development steps, the order of presentation will follow logically-Then you must decide how to present the information. Two common presentation plans are direct and indirect.
(The direct plans begins with a short summery followed by conclusions and recommendations and then the analysis that includes the details. The indirect plan begins with the problem statement and the analysis and ends with the conclusions and recommendations. Usually, informal informational reports follow the direct plan because the reader wants to know immediately what you found. If, however, you are presenting disappointing news or are trying to persuade the reader, the indirect plan is more effective.)  

After the material is organized, you should begin writing the report. You may start with whatever step in the development process is easiest. Sometimes writing a report is similar if you start at any part except the beginning. Write each pert on a separate sheet. Then you can put the parts together in proper sequence when they have been written.
After all parts have been put in their proper sequence, you should read the report to make sure the information flows smoothly. It may help to read the report to see if any changes are necessary, you should edit the material, checking for grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors.
Incase of writing proposals, back up material may be needed. This material should support the conclusions and recommendations. At the same time, it may also be presented in graphic form so that the reader can see how you drew the conclusions and arrived at a decision about what recommendations to make. You should plan, develop, and prepare the graphic whether it is a table, chart, graph, map, photograph, or illustrative artwork. Use a graphic presentation only if it will enhance the report. Graphics should not be used just for sake of including a graphic.
In preparing the final report, you should review the draft to make sure it is technically accurate, grammatically correct, and attractively presented. The final report should include all the steps in the development process.
Some helpful tips in writing an informal report are:
  1. Be objective. A Good report writer never presents opinions as facts or shows personal bias.
  2. Use proper words and sentences. This is necessary so that one area one the of the report will flow smoothly into the next.
  3. Use personal pronouns. Since informal reports are usually sent from one area to another, personal pronouns are acceptable.
  4. Watch the use of technical terms or jargon. If the reader is familiar with the technical term and jargon, use it, if not, write an ordinary terms.
  5. Use short, simple sentences. The writer should present the information concisely.
  6. Use simple punctuation. Since the sentences are short and simple they need little punctuation.
  7. Single-space the lines of the report text. Most informal reports are single spaced.
  8. Use the active rather than the passive voice. Write “The mail room will supply the necessary information” rather than “The necessary information will be supplied by the mail room”
  9. Use proper tense. Write the report within due time.


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